
Culture & Traditional Affairs

About the department of culture & Traditional Affairs

The Department is responsible for facilitating and promoting research, investment and product development in culture and traditional affairs in order to preserve cultural and traditional heritage and contribute to socio-economic development.

The Department performs the following specific functions:

  • Facilitate the review, formulation and implementation of culture and traditional affairs policies and legislations;
  • Facilitate the maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of cultural infrastructure;
  • Ensure the safeguarding of Zambia’s folklore, the tangible and intangible cultural heritage;
  • Promote investment in the cultural and creative industries;
  • Promote and implement bilateral and multilateral cooperation in culture;
  • Collaborate with local stakeholders on culture matters;
  • Provide entertainment at state and public functions;
  • Facilitate the production, distribution, broadcasting and preservation of cultural information;
  • Facilitate training in culture;
  • Facilitate and promote research in culture;
  • Mainstream culture in tourism; and
  • Monitor and evaluate cultural programmes and projects.


The department shall be headed by a Director who shall be assisted by one Chief Culture and Folklore Officer, one (1) Assistant Director Traditional Affairs, ten (10) Provincial Cultural Affairs Officers and one (1) Information, Education and Communication Officer