The Ministry of Tourism was created on 10th July 2011 after realignment of Government Ministries by His Excellency, the late Former President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata. This brought together the portfolio functions of tourism from former Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism and the portfolio functions of Culture from the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs. This was done in order to streamline and rationalize the functions and operations of the tourism and cultural sector.
“To be a destination of choice with unique features thriving on well conserved natural resources, cultural heritage, and creative industries that significantly contribute to employment creation, sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction by 2030”.
“To facilitate and promote sustainable tourism development and, culture preservation for socio-economic development”
The general strategy proposed for achieving this aspiration is captured in the Ministry’s value statement; “to uphold integrity, excellence, transparency, impartiality, courtesy and team spirit in discharging its mandate”.
“To be a destination of choice with unique features thriving on well conserved natural resources, cultural heritage, and creative industries that significantly contribute to employment creation, sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction by 2030”.
Republic of Zambia